SINGAPORE: To secure a new employer, a foreign domestic helper even resorted to filming her current employer’s child mid-tantrum so that she could send “proof” of bad work conditions.

In a post to a Facebook group for employers and helpers alike, the mother of the child wrote: “It came to my attention that my ex-helper is sending out my son’s video to her prospect employer while having tantrums and creating a false accusations that my son is a special child (having mental disabilities)that’s why he cannot control and cannot take to work longer”.

The woman added that she told her maid to stop sending her child’s videos to others without her consent. In response, the maid said, “she is not scared even if I report her to the police as she is not doing anything wrong”.

Just wanting to raise awareness through her post, the woman added: “It’s so unfair to receive this kind of treatment as I have even done a favor to her to find a new employer but sorry to say that someone who has changed employer 5 times within 15 months it’s kinda hard to gain employers trust to hire them even without contacting their previous employer”.

Last month, yet another frustrated employer of a foreign domestic helper took to social media complaining because her maid not only would scold her vulgarities on TikTok videos, but the helper would also “wear makeup at home, wear s*xy underwear, tiktok around the house and then she told us she cannot finish her duties because she has too many things to do”.

See also  Maid steals $200 from employer and stays out at night with her boyfriend; employer doesn't want to fund her flight ticket back

In her anonymous post, the woman also wrote that her neighbour’s maid also said that her helper “has a Facebook with a lot of guys chatting. Her private life yes but she is also married with kids back in phillipines”.

The employer wrote that she had spoken to her maid over five times, asking her not to film TikToks in the house or even in her room as they were a private family. “It is ok for her to have a TikTok account and dance outside or with her friends. I don’t think I should control her use of TikTok outside. It’s none of my business. Just don’t do it in my house because we have pictures of the kids (we also don’t like guests)”, the woman wrote.

“While showing my colleague something on TikTok I saw an account that looked like my helper’s account. I clicked on it – and it was my helper’s account. She has posted quite a few TikTok videos of us in the house. Some with our pictures on them”, the woman said.

Read more here:

Maid films herself in makeup and “s*xy underwear” and posts it on TikTok, then tells her employer she cannot finish her duties because she has too many things to do