

Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States is typically not as outspoken as her peers like AOC. However, the illegal immigrant crisis brought her to speak up regarding the situation. Conservatives are upset at the situation as she too is relatively encouraging illegals to come into America. 

The Daily Mail states, Vice President Kamala Harris emphasized the need for a pathway to citizenship to address the migration crisis at the southern border, describing the broken immigration system in an interview on CNN. 

Harris expressed disappointment with political games played by the opposition, highlighting the administration’s efforts to propose legislation for immigration system reform. 

As the Senate negotiates a national security package, including border security, a pathway to citizenship remains uncertain. House Speaker Mike Johnson criticized Harris’s approach, calling for a focus on border security rather than mass amnesty. The ongoing negotiations aim to address the immigration problem, with Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas actively participated on Capitol Hill.

Conservatives angry at Kamala Harris on illegal immigrant crisis 

X users are accusing the Democrats of wanting to open the borders to let future Democrat voters in. Furthermore, they state that Democrats are not wanting to hide this anymore as it is clearly out in the open. For the most part, conservatives are accusing them of wanting to “rig” this year’s election. 

In addition to this, conservatives are seeing this move as borderline illegal as most Americans are unhappy with this. Uprooting citizens from third world countries and sending them to major American cities that are overpriced will cause more harm than good. These are the viewpoints of most conservatives. 

Others are accusing the Vice President of behaving as though she and the President have not been running the country for the last three years. Regardless, the 2024 elections will be an interesting one to see, as even Democrats are upset at this illegal crisis. 

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The post Kamala Harris on illegal immigrant crisis: fasten process of naturalization or more border agents to “process” them  appeared first on The Independent News.

ByAsir F