
Menendez, Immigrant communities

New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez accused the Biden administration of abandoning immigrant communities and succumbing to Republican pressures in ongoing border negotiations.

Menendez voiced the anxiety shared by many within the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and immigrant communities. The worry centers around Senate negotiations that link assistance to a war-torn country with substantial overhauls to asylum, deportation, and border management laws.

 A slap in the face

“It is truly shameful that President Biden and his administration are considering selling out migrants and asylum-seekers to placate extreme Republicans, jeopardizing our national security for political gains,” Menendez asserted.

He criticized the administration for ignoring calls to strategize with the CHC, characterizing it as a “slap in the face” to the Latino and immigrant communities he represents.

Immigrant communities suffer cruelty, chaos

“They have decided to capitulate to radical Republican demands, resulting in permanent, dangerous immigration policies that will hurt vulnerable individuals fleeing violence and persecution,” Menendez added.

He argued that such changes would exacerbate challenges at the border, injecting “cruelty and chaos” into an already fragile immigration system.

Despite Menendez’s weakened political standing due to his legal troubles, Hispanic advocates and strategists remain hesitant to abandon him, citing his track record on immigration and Western Hemisphere affairs.

Menendez, known for challenging Democratic presidents, including President Biden, has been a proponent of immigrant-friendly reforms.

Absurd proposals 

In his harshest critique yet, Menendez decried the Senate negotiations and the administration’s role, calling it absurd that Biden’s team is proposing changes reminiscent of those pursued by former President Trump.

He specifically criticized potential measures such as the resurrection of Title 42-like border authority, expanding expedited removals, and increasing migrant detention without due process.

The senator’s passionate criticism underscores the deep divisions within the Democratic ranks as crucial negotiations unfold.

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