The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) urges all Singaporeans with year-end travel plans to submit their passport applications now if they are holding expired passports or with less than six months of validity.

In a media release on Thursday (Aug 18), the agency said that this would avoid another surge of passport applications towards the end of the year and provide ICA with sufficient time to meet the demand for year-end travels.

ICA added that those who submit their applications late risk not being able to collect their passports in time for departure.

When submitting passport applications, ICA listed several reminders to avoid further delays.

Members of the public can apply online via the ICA website or MyICA Mobile.

Applicants must include a personal photo adhering to the photo guidelines on ICA’s website, which could be found here.

“Applicants with a photo that does not meet the passport guidelines will be required to resubmit a new photo,” ICA said.

“Some common reasons for photo rejection include photos with non-white backgrounds, laterally inverted images, and using photos which are not current.”

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Photos with uneven brightness or shadows on the applicant’s face or a glare on the applicant’s spectacles may also be rejected. These can create inconsistent patches on the facial image, eventually laser-engraved on the passport, explained ICA.

Those who have already applied can check their application status through the ICA website or MyICA Mobile, while those whose passports are ready for collection will receive an email or a pink notification card from ICA.

Passports can be claimed from the ICA Building or any of the 29 designated post offices at no additional cost.

Applicants with enquiries on passport matters can refer to the FAQs on the ICA website or contact the passport helpline at 6812 5555 (Operating Hours: 8.30 am to 11.59 pm daily).

ICA also has a Live Chat function on its website for other concerns (Live Chat hours: 8 am – 5 pm on Mon – Fri, 8 am – 1 pm on Sat). /TISG

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