SINGAPORE: A cyclist’s faith in humanity was restored last weekend when a fellow rider went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the safe return of his lost belongings.

Facebook user Joseph Kok Wah Lim shared the incident with fellow cycling enthusiasts on the SG PCN Cyclist Facebook group. Recounting that he was taking a solo overnight bike ride on Friday (May 19) as part of the OCBC CYCLE 2023 500KM virtual ride, Joseph said that he had embarked on a loop cycling adventure at Singapore’s Sports Hub.

Familiar with the importance of preparedness during his solo rides, Joseph had a small plastic bag in his possession containing cash and the contact details of his wife and daughter. The cash was for buying refreshments or snacks during his journey, while the contact numbers were a precautionary measure in case of accidents or medical emergencies.

After completing approximately 120 km of his targeted 150 km ride, Joseph made a stop at the JTC building along West Camp Road to purchase a drink from a vending machine. It was then that he discovered the loss of his plastic bag.

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Recalling that his only previous stop had been at Punggol Barat Lane for a brief rest, Joseph circled back to the area but the bag was nowhere to be found.

Joseph eventually accepted that he had lost the $54 that was in the bag. Much to his surprise, a kindhearted fellow cyclist, who stumbled upon the lost plastic bag along the blue lane of West Camp Road, took it upon himself to contact Joseph’s wife and promptly transferred the $54 to Joseph electronically.

Revealing that the fellow cyclist shares his first name in an interesting coincidence, Joseph expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the good Samaritan who returned his money to him. He wrote: “I am so thankful for this brother who took time to contact my wife after he found my plastic bag.”

Joseph’s post quickly began trending online and netizens joined the cyclist in showering praise upon the kind stranger. Read the post in full here.