Girls’ Generation, also known as SNSD, reunited to celebrate their 17th debut anniversary. The South Korean girl group, formed by SM Entertainment, consists of eight members: Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun.

The group marked the occasion by sharing group photos and videos on Instagram.


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On Aug 5, the group celebrated their milestone anniversary. YoonA captioned her post, “Girls’ Generation 17th Debut Anniversary,” while Tiffany simply wrote, “seventeen.” Although Sunny couldn’t attend, her bandmates humorously edited her into their group photo.

Seohyun wrote, “Please pardon the shoddy editing, hehe,” as the description for her photo. “Sunny’s given name is Soonkyu, and unnie will always be in our hearts,” she added.

Anniversary celebration

Sooyoung posted, “Happy Birthday, Fani & Girls’ Generation & SONE [Girls’ Generation’s fan club],” and humorously noted, “Seohyun has decided to use informal speech with me starting today.” She added, “Soonkyu, I miss you.”

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Hyoyeon thanked their fans, “Thank you to SONE for always being together with us,” while Yuri celebrated with, “17th-anniversary self-celebration. Girls’ Generation and SONE, happy anniversary.”

Videos were also recorded by Taeyeon, YoonA, Yuri, and Hyoyeon for the celebration.

Girls’ Generation debuted on Aug 5, 2007, originally as a nine-member group until Jessica’s departure in September 2014. They have earned numerous awards and are known as The Nation’s Girl Group in South Korea.


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Known for electropop and bubblegum pop genres, their music also features R&B, hip-hop, and electronic dance music. Billboard named them the Best K-pop Girl Group of the Past Decade in 2017.


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Hit songs

They made history as the first Asian girl group to have five music videos surpassing 100 million views on YouTube, including hits like Gee and I Got a Boy. Their 2009 single, Gee, was titled Song of the Decade by MelOn and significantly boosted the global recognition of K-pop.