This is the ‘shout out’ from a foreign investor who says she has a solid 20-year track record of promoting Malaysia and having Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor – the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak’s wife – as patron for her company.

The foreign investor, Regina Fabiny who says she is the Founder & CEO of Leisure Guide Publishing Sdn Bhd a company registered in Malaysia is writing to the PM to “prevent my company from being wiped-out and its owner left with huge losses and commitments.”

Regina said her company was established in Malaysia to provide the Government with a ready-made and proven concept for effective and affordable country promotion, where the Government shares the income instead of incurring cost.

This concept is based on a branded series of guidebooks with one book for Malaysia and one for each state – The Guide To Malaysia Series.

She said the books are of high quality, comprehensively researched, pro-business and easy to absorb. Kindly see the 8th edition of The Guide To Malaysia and the 1st edition of The Guide To Sarawak below for online-reading.

They can be found on the links below:


The objective of the series is to tell the world about Malaysia’s success story and support the government and local investors to attract foreign visitors and investors,” she wrote in the letter.


So far the company claims it has produced 8 editions of the country guide and on state level The Guide To Melaka and The Guide To Sarawak.

“This proves that my concept clearly turns country promotion into a national mission as requested by you Sir.”

“My work has been acknowledged by distinguished Malaysian as well as foreign personalities here and abroad.  The most encouraging acknowledgement of all was in 2009 when we invited you, Sir, to be the Patron of The Guide To Malaysia Series and YABhg Datin Paduka Seri requested to be the Patron instead,” she said.

The kind of support requested from the Patron (Rosmah) was twofold; to assist in ensuring that the corporate sector would purchase and use the books as a corporate gift; and to assist with encouraging the individual states to participate with their own book to create The Series. Global distribution in bookshops around the world requires such a branded series.

Regina said between 2012 and 2015, to have written 9 letters explaining my background, my observations, my work and its benefits for this country and my needs – asking for your or my Patron’s help. You can read them now on, together with a number of letters of support for our work.

She claimed Rosmah arranged meetings with several Ministers, Rosmah’s Principal Private Secretaries Tan Sri Ab. Aziz Kassim in 2012, the late Datuk Seri Azlin Alias in January 2015 and Tan Sri Shukry Mohd Salleh in May 2015.

“To complete my round I have also met Dato’ Sri Farid Ridzuan, Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa and Tan Sri Dr Irwan Serigar. The unanimous response was that The Guide To Malaysia Series is of National Interest, it is a Blue Ocean Concept, it has to be done with the Government.”

What was to become a strategic partnership between the Government and LGP (the publication firm) turned sour, after all her appeals for help, the last email I received from my Patron’s office (Rosmah’s) said they can’t help her anymore.

While she did not detail what went wrong, she said since Rosmah’s office has abandoned her, she is turning to the Prime Minister for help.

“You, as The Prime Minister should be the only person who can help and decide if my company with its 20 years of dedicated work promoting this country should implement its proven concept or be wiped-out.

“I am very sad that it had to come to this and hope that you, Sir, can bring this to a positive conclusion. The eventual outcome will convey an important message to all foreign embassies, chambers and investors in this country,” she said in the letter.

A Personal Request, she encourages anyone reading the story about her plea to donate so that her company can remain afloat.