Farrer Park MRT

SINGAPORE:  A mini bird park near the Farrer Park MRT station is the joy of local residents.

The Farrer Park Bird Paradise, which can be found between Block 12 and 13 Farrer Park Road, was created five years ago by Mr David Martin, a resident of Farrer Park and bird enthusiast, with the help of his friend, Janice.

A short walk from Exit D of Farrer Park MRT station, the bird park is home to lovebirds, cockatiels, budgies, finches and other varieties.

The birds belong to Mr Martin. He kept them in his house before he decided to create this bird park where he now cares for them as he breeds more birds.

Mr Martin went through many struggles to turn this everyday hobby of his into a full-fledged bird park near Farrer Park MRT station. He underwent much trouble and had to get the word out in high places and even spoke to ministers to turn his vision into a reality but eventually succeeded with the help of supportive residents.

“I built this for the old folks and the residents and also as an educational thing for children,” he shared.

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While all the birds belong to Mr Martin, who also put in most of the work to build this site, generous residents also donate items and other necessities to the bird park.

Weekend mornings are a joyous affair for residents who gather at the bird park to feed and interact with the birds. Residents who keep their birds at home as pets also bring them down to join in the fun.

“Usually, on weekend mornings at around 8 am, I always wake up to the sound of so many people downstairs at the park and all the birds chirping, but I have no complaints because I think it’s something that is very loved by all of us,” said a resident who has been living in Farrer Park for 19 years.

Farrer Park Bird Paradise also invites visitors from surrounding neighbourhoods who come down on weekends during their morning walks to see the birds with their kids, who have grown fond of these birds.

The bird park is best to visit on weekend mornings.