Reminiscing about an old building in Marine Parade he used to visit as a child, Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong once again broached the topic of age.

In a Facebook post yesterday (Mar 4), he shared a photo and wrote: “I stood at these steps of the Choa Bungalow in Marine Parade some 65 years ago. I was then in swimming trunks, having taken a dip in the sea just outside the bungalow”.

He added that about a dozen of his schoolmates from Raffles Institution (RI) used to visit their classmate who lived in that bungalow during the school holidays.

He said: “We had also bunked overnight when his parents were away. They were our generous “uncle” and “auntie” who plied us with Katong noodles and Cold Storage ice cream. It was a nostalgic return”.

In reminiscing, ESM Goh wrote: “Now this bungalow is preserved”, adding, “The building and I have grown old. But we are still useful, and will serve a larger purpose”.

By mentioning “serve a larger purpose”, ESM could be referring to his political ambitions. In late 2018, Mr Goh had addressed rumours that swirled around that time about him possibly becoming Prime Minister once more, and said: “Moreover, I have no plans to do a Mahathir!” Mr Goh had been urged to “do a Mahathir” after Dr Mahathir made a comeback by leading a Pakatan Harapan coalition to victory in the Malaysian general election in May that year.

See also  Goh Chok Tong posts photo of a young Lee Kuan Yew as a scout

The topic of age has also been featured heavily in ESM’s posts.

In February, in a comparison with the Malaysian Prime Minister, ESM Goh said that, unlike Dr Mahathir Mohamad, he is able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

In another Facebook post (Feb 24), Mr Goh wrote that: “It is a privilege for a septuagenarian to be able to enjoy nature and the simple pleasures of life, unlike nonagenarian Mahathir.”

A septuagenarian is between 70 and 79 years old, while a nonagenarian is between 90 and 99 years old.

Last week, on leap year day, ESM also wrote: “Need to stay fit and healthy for the next Leap Year. By then, I would be an octogenarian”. /TISG

Read related: ESM Goh says that, unlike Mahathir, he is able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life