Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong took to Facebook today to commend on President Halimah’s sincerity and her contribution to society. EMS spoke about how he talent-spotted Mdm Halimah and asked her to leave NTUC to serve the people. Her rise to the top is meteoric, however, many Singaporeans have expressed negative sentiments over the way she was elected (or appointed).

The process of how Halimah Yacob became President may be highly controversial but she is not a controversial figure. I persuaded Halimah to leave NTUC to serve the people, and not just workers, in 2001. I tracked her performance in her constituency, as a backbencher in Parliament, then MOS and finally Speaker. She also served as chairman of the PAP Seniors Group committee. As advisor, I attended the meetings and felt her sincerity to help our seniors. Her motivation, dedication and desire to serve and help others are not skin-deep. I have no doubt that she will gain the respect and support of the people as a humble, down-to-earth and sincere President with a big heart for all, regardless of status, wealth, abilities, race or religion. Halimah did not dream of being a President but will serve with full heart now that she is. The focus so far has been on process, but we should not let whatever unhappiness weigh down her duties. We expect our Head of State to be a unifying figure but we must also do our part to help the President succeed. Congratulations, President Halimah Yacob. — gct

In another event, the inaugural Singapore Summit Young Societal Leaders Programme held at the Hilton Singapore yesterday. EMS Goh said when asked about social media and the need to engage the citizens, “These individuals must be given the freedom to express their views, but the leaders then weigh the views and sit down together. In the end, my views have been heard, but the goal is the collective interest. Who judges (that)? The government.”

But what is the collective interest? If the government is acting in the best interest of the people, then we say, good on them. But, many have commented that the PAP’s maneuvering in the presidential election is to safeguard their own interest – to ensure that their grip on power is never eroded by any means.

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We’ve heard it all – affirmative action for the Malay community, to keep the terrorist away, multi-culturalism, and the one that takes the cake, it is not about Tan Cheng Bock. (roll-eyes)

They can’t whitewash all the issues all the time. This time people have called out the utter disregard for democratic processes in this reserved election. Few of us have spoken up, shown our displeasure but it seems to be falling on deaf ears.

The backlash seems to be confined to the online media. The majority are still going about their daily routines – nonchalant and indifferent to the world around them, oblivious to the injustices that’s going-on.

Our road to democracy is going to be long and hard, but preserve, we must.