SINGAPORE: An employer took to social media on Wednesday (Sep 25) to express her concerns after she caught her ‘helper carrying the baby to sleep while using her phone with one hand.’

In a post on r/askSingapore, a Reddit forum, she clarified that her helper is allowed to use her phone after completing her tasks or during scheduled breaks throughout the day. However, when she is on duty, especially while caring for the baby, phone usage is not permitted.

When the employer confronted her about the incident, the helper initially denied it.

“She lied saying she wasn’t using,” she recounted. “I calmly told her I was angry because she broke the rule and not focusing on the baby and her safety. That we are all adults and we can be reasonable in phone usage and if someone takes care of her kids, she wouldn’t want that person to do the same right.”

However, instead of owning up to her actions, the helper immediately started giving excuses.

The employer kept pointing out the flaws in her reasoning, and after a bit of back-and-forth, the helper eventually confessed to using her phone and apologized. “Probably sorry she got caught, not for using phone,” she said.

Unsure of how to address this breach of trust, the employer sought advice from the online community. “Those who have helpers, do you have any phone usage rules for them? If yes, please share what works and what doesn’t for you based on experience,” she said.

“You can talk to her as an adult and explain as is.”

In the comments section, one Singaporean Redditor suggested that the employer have an open conversation with her helper to address the breach of trust and clarify the reasoning behind the rules.

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She said, “I think the concern is not that she is using her phone, but rather that she only holds the baby with one hand, possibly distracted and might drop the baby, right? You can talk to her as an adult and explain as is.”

Another suggested, “I do not have any helpers right now but I used to help my Aunt with her FDW Agency.

Usually, we recommend employers to have a cabinet in an open location like the living room for the FDW to keep their phones. After hours such as dinner time, they can be allowed to use their phones.”

A third Redditor shared a different perspective, expressing that imposing strict rules about phone usage felt overly controlling.

She wrote, “Personally I find it a little too micro managing if I have to follow rules on phone usage while working, hence did not impose rules on helper. She’s free to use her phone whenever she likes, as long as it doesn’t affect her duties, and she’s not addicted.

However I do have a rule on no posting of photos/ videos of my home and children on social media, and have conveyed that it’s for privacy and security/ safety reasons.”

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