Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spoke at the opening of Rivervale Community Club in Sengkang East on Saturday (Jul 30), calling the occasion “a very happy time to be together.”

He noted that the Community Club has new facilities that he’s glad residents are finding useful, adding that while it is found in an opposition-held area, “the government remains committed to serving residents here in Sengkang.”

But netizens commenting on PM Lee’s speech pointed out that, “‘Public service is funded by taxpayer dollars…regardless of whichever political party is in power.”

The newly-created Sengkang GRC was won by the Workers’ Party, led by lawyer He Ting Ru, in the General Election of 2020. 

The WP slate defeated a PAP team that included NTUC secretary-general Ng Chee Meng and former Senior Minister of State for Health and Senior Minister of State for Transport Lam Pin Min.

This was a surprising turn of events since the WP slate was comprised of political neophytes.

Plans for the community club date back a few years, PM Lee said in his speech.

“At that time, Sengkang East was under the PAP (People’s Action Party). Then in the 2020 General Elections, it went to the opposition.”

He then reiterated the government’s commitment to Sengkang’s residents, adding that work on the community club continued since then.

See also  PM Lee uploads new profile pic to mark his 68th birthday

“Whether Sengkang East is in a PAP or in an opposition ward, many activists and volunteers continue to serve on the (Community Club Management Committee) and on its sub-committees to organise activities and programmes for residents.

We also continue to maintain a full grassroots network to inform residents about government policies, to help vulnerable households through many government assistance schemes, and to gather feedback so that we continue to have a good sense of the ground,” he added.

Prime Minister’s speech did not go over too well with some netizens commenting on a CNA article about it.

“Does this even need to be said after close to 60 years of independence? The public service is funded by taxpayer dollars and is here to serve the country regardless of whichever political party is in power,” wrote one.

Another took issue with PAP activists being given key roles on the ground.

Some commenters looked for Sengkang’s MPs (Rivervale is Mr Louis Chua’s ward).

“PA is PAP except without the P at the end,” another commented.

Another netizen echoed the call to “depoliticize PA.”

“Look like the men in white want to win back the supporters of the men in blue,” wrote another, in reference to the blue color of the WP.


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