Photographs of two Singaporeans wearing t-shirts with rather defamatory and vulgar political slogans on them have been going viral online.

One netizen, Bruce Wee, took to Facebook yesterday to post images of these Singaporeans’ offensive t-shirts.

While the origins of the photos are unclear, in one, a man can be seen casually browsing a shop while the back of his t-shirt read, “F**K PAP”.

The same netizen also posted pictures of another ‘customised’ t-shirt that criticised the Central Provident Fund (CPF) scheme and political leaders.

Photo: Facebook / Bruce Wee

Titled “Return My CPF”, it read, “I ask Lee Kuan Yew my CPF he says don’t ask me I’m done, as Chok Tong. So I ask Chok Tong he says, I’m Part time Prime Minister, ask Hsien Loong. So I ask Hsien Loong, he says Ah’ you ask me I ask who you wait Long Long lah”.

Most netizens were very shocked by the brazen act of these Singaporeans.

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One netizen also speculated that while PAP connoted a political party here in Singapore, it could have meant something entirely different for the fair skinned “ang mo” or foreigner.