SINGAPORE: A recent YouGov survey showed that the top three cuisines Singaporeans prefer, in general, are Chinese, Japanese, and Thai. Chinese cuisine is the number one choice among all varieties of eaters—meat eaters, flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans. However, Japanese food is the top choice for pescatarians, who eat plant-based food with seafood but not meat from land animals.

YouGov published its results in line with World Food Day, celebrated on Oct 16 (Monday). Over 1,000 Singaporeans aged 18 and older participated in an online survey about their eating habits and choices conducted earlier this month.

Interestingly, speaking of food choices, the survey revealed that slightly more than half (51 per cent) of the respondents say that they are meat eaters, while 18 per cent call themselves flexitarian, which means they mostly eat a plant-based diet but on occasion, partake of fish and meat. One in twenty (5 per cent) say they are vegetarian or vegan. And 3 per cent identify as pescatarians.

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Across genders, 57 per cent of male respondents said that they eat meat, while only 47 per cent of females said the same. However, while only 16 per cent of males say they’re flexitarians, over one-fifth of women (21 per cent) had the same response.

When it comes to age, the youngest cohort that participated, Gen Z, is the group that had the largest number—over 75 per cent—who said they regularly eat meat or poultry. Interestingly, less than half of Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1964 responded similarly. However, more Baby Boomers consider are likely to be flexitarians than any other cohort.

More on food choice: meat eaters and pescatarians say that taste is the first consideration in choosing what to eat. Meat eaters, however, say that the next factor they consider is price and how healthy the food is. But vegetarians, unsurprisingly, say they put health as the first factor. Flexitarians, however, put both taste and health in the first place.

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As mentioned earlier, Chinese cuisine is the top choice among all the respondents except pescatarians. Japanese food comes in second for meat eaters and flexitarians, while Thai food is the second choice for pescatarians and the third for meat eaters and flexitarians. Unsurprisingly, vegetarians and vegans say Indian food is their second choice.

Korean and Italian food are also popular among many Singaporeans, while American, Vietnamese, Middle Eastern, and French food round out the top 10. /TISG

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