Singapore — A boyfriend who casually has flings with other women despite being in a monogamous relationship asks netizens if they think he is cheating.

“I don’t get why can’t I sleep around when I’m in a relationship. After all, there’s no emotion involved,” he wrote in a Facebook post on NUSWhispers on Saturday (Apr 3).

He added that he had been using Tinder, a dating app, even after he got into a relationship with his girlfriend.

“I mean don’t y,all wanna explore around before you settle down?”, he wrote.

Even though he claimed to love his girlfriend very much, he noted that he was still not going to tell her that he was sleeping around with others.

Addressing SJWs, or social justice warriors, he said: “To all the SJW, get off your high horse, what good is it that I tell her? It’s only going to make her overthink only”.

He referred to the acts with his multiple partners as “practicing (sic) so can that I improve my performance to satisfy her”.

“Imagine someone practicing dancing with an (sic) female instructor so that he can surprise his gf during prom. That’s not cheating right?”, he concluded his post.

Netizens who commented on the post felt the boyfriend had a lack of morals and criticised his behaviour.