Travelling is pretty much synonymous with adventure (or in some cases, misadventure). It’s an exciting time of visiting unfamiliar places and cultures, sampling exotic foods and generally trying new things. We each have our own styles and ways of getting around the globe, but I think we can all agree on one thing—we don’t want to get into (too much) trouble, especially in foreign lands with different rules.

It’s not that difficult to be a good tourist, generally stick to “good people” etiquette and listen to common sense. However, it’s good to bear in mind that different countries have laws and customs that are not necessarily logical to visitors.

Offenses considered tiny in your country could be big infractions in other countries. It’s always smart to research the laws and customs of the places you are planning to visit. It’s about staying out of trouble and being respectful to other cultures.

The Independent previously published a piece on Venice’s new tourist rules, of which there are many, such as no swimming in any of the canals and no snacking or eating food by any historical monuments or bridges.

Check out these five violations (and resulting fines!) that you definitely want to avoid on your travels:

See also  S'pore to move away from fingerprint scanning at ICA and eventually do away with passports when travelling

Canadians are famous for their extremely polite, peace-loving attitudes and ways. It comes as no surprise, then, that in Toronto, the municipal code prohibits “riotous, boisterous, violent, threatening or illegal conduct or using profane or abusive language” in its city parks. Public parks are for respectful, well-behaved, non-swearing citizens, so if you’re a potty mouth, rein it in while in Canada.

Also, might as well take note that public bus drivers across Ontario are allowed to refuse transport to anyone who is in an “intoxicated condition or conducting himself or herself in a boisterous or disorderly manner or is using profane or obscene language.”

Good behaviour goes a long way in Canada.

Singapore is another successful country known for its discipline and rules. Being naked in public is illegal in Singapore (as it is in most places) and will land you some sort of punishment, but here’s something interesting to add—if you’re naked in a home, a hotel room or an AirBnB and someone outside sees and reports you, you will face a fine and possibly jail time.

While that doesn’t seem right, it’s all about being naked in the view of the public. You may be on your hotel room balcony, which is your private space, but if you’re sunbathing in the buff and someone sees you, that’s violating the law. For the purposes of the rule, nudity is defined as being “clad in such a manner as to offend against public decency or order.”

For those who enjoy being in their birthday suit, make sure you’re safe—draw the curtains, shut the blinds, and keep your nudity to yourself when visiting Singapore. /TISG