Malaysia’s Macrovalue to acquire Singapore’s Cold Storage and Giant supermarket chains for S$125M
SINGAPORE: Malaysia’s retail group Macrovalue is set to acquire Cold Storage and Giant supermarket chains…
SINGAPORE: Malaysia’s retail group Macrovalue is set to acquire Cold Storage and Giant supermarket chains…
ASIA: AI advances have sparked a wave of record-breaking loans for data centres in Asia,…
MALAYSIA: Malaysia Airlines will ban the use of power banks on all flights starting Apr…
SINGAPORE: Are new citizens behind Singapore’s rising housing demand? Analysts suggest that ageing citizens, not…
SINGAPORE: UOB deputy chairman and CEO Wee Ee Cheong’s total pay for 2024 dropped by…
SINGAPORE: Seatrium CEO Chris Ong’s pay jumped 126% after leading the company to its first…
KUALA LUMPUR: Genting has agreed to pay the Nevada Gaming Commission a US$10.5 million (S$14…
KANOWIT: A hawker in Kanowit, has found a way to quite literally keep her business…
SINGAPORE: All withdrawal requests made by Chocolate Finance cardholders between March 10 and March 18…
KUALA LUMPUR: Almost a year after announcing a US$2.2 billion (S$2.9 billion) investment over the…