Amos Yee uploaded a video on Youtube which suggests that he was attacked by a Chinese man in Jurong Point shopping centre.
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A witness who allegedly saw what happened described the incident as such:
“I was there just now witness the whole incident. He run all the way to hide in ntuc then the ah beng and his gf stand outside wait. Then he come out, the ah beng grab him by his neck and drag and drag all the way to the kushinbo there. Very drama. Many ppl take photo and video. Got this amdk go and stop them but the ah beng refuse to let him go, then the amdk llst.”
“I dun understand the ginna pi ah beng and his tattoo ah lian gf. While locking Amos Yee neck, these two ginna pi still can use hp call ppl… I wonder ijjit they wanna pia zui and call down their gang member to hoot Amos. This Amos slip off while they talking on the phone and run away… Lol.”
(sources: and
Just in case you don’t understand the Singlish language in which the witness described what transpired, this is the translation:
“I witnessed the entire incident. When attacked, Amos ran all the way to the Fairprice supermarket. The man who assaulted him and his girlfriend waited outside the supermarket for him, and when he came out they grabbed him by the neck and dragged him all the way to a Japanese restaurant. Many people witnessed the incident but none came forward to help, except a Caucasian man. He asked the aggressor to let Amos go, but the aggressor just ignored him. Amos managed to get free when the aggressor held him with one hand and used the other to call his gang members on the phone.”
The 17-year-old blogger is facing trial in Court and faces six charges of intending to wound the feelings of Muslims or Christians – via five videos and a photo – and two counts of failing to report to the Jurong Police Division for investigations. He is out on a $5000 bail.