The imam from Masjid Jamae (Chulia) in South Bridge Road who allegedly insulted Christians and Jews during his Friday sermon was charged in court today for promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion or race. A police report was made against the imam’s remarks in late February.

The imam, Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel, quoted an old Arabic text which originated from his village in India saying: “God help us against Jews and Christians”. The text was not extracted from the Quran.

Nalla subsequently apologised in front of Christian, Sikh, Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu representatives, as well as members of the Federation of Indian Muslims, saying that he was “filled with great remorse” for the inconvenience, tension and trauma caused by his remarks. Nalla also visited Rabbi Moderchai Abergel at the Maghain Aboth Synagogue on Sunday to extend his unconditional apology for his remarks.

AGC’s decision to charge the imam came after netizens expressed that he should be. Others have also called for the imam to be forgiven.