
Referring to news in the Taiwanese media that Singapore is recruiting Auxiliary Police from Taiwan and giving them a starting basic pay of S$2,700 plus free lodging, People’s Power Party (PPP), asked if Certis has offered the same pay for fresh Singaporean recruits.

The news report said that those that successfully pass out will also be eligible for a bonus payment of S$4,000. They will further earn an overtime salary on top of the basic salary, the reports said.

There are about 6,000 Auxiliary Police Officers (APO) in Singapore compared with over 8,000 regular officers in the Singapore Police Force. APOs make up 20 percent of the officers at immigration checkpoints.  APOs now also conduct inmate escort and patrols within prison premises.

The Workers’ Party had previously raised concerns about outsourcing of security operations to APOs and asked if the focus should be shifted to Home Team manpower recruitment and retention, as well as to ensure that they have the best resources on hand to protect Singapore.