Several pedestrians were crossing Clementi Road on Thursday at around 10:30 pm and one was very nearly hit by a car.

A video clip on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook and YouTube pages shows that the traffic light at the crossing was green for the cars, meaning that pedestrians should have waited their turn to cross

So who was really at fault in the situation? We invite you to be the judge.

Another car in the rightmost lane, in fact, can be seen proceeding, because the vehicles had the right of way.

The man who was nearly struck by the car, can be seen holding his hands out in front of him, so that  his hands reached the car before it could actually hit him.

He, as well as two of the other pedestrians, held their hands perhaps as a way of excuse or apology, and pretty much ran the rest of the way across the road. It seems as though the three, all males, were part of one group.

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Interestingly, the caption on the SGRV video claims that the pedestrians are “officers from the nearby police unit jaywalking,” although this has not been verified. It would be very surprising if police officers were the lawbreakers in this instance.

So, who is to blame for the near mishap?

Some commenters say the driver was at fault in this situation.

One said the driver should have waited until the pedestrians “had cleared the last stretch,” although he acknowledged, “they should have waited if the green man was flashing”.

Some netizens thought the fault lay more with the pedestrians.

Others said that both the pedestrians and the driver were wrong.

On the SGRV YouTube channel, one netizen observed: “Many pedestrians do this.”


But what if the pedestrians really are police officers, as the clip says?


When a road accident happens in front of you and the traffic lights are kaput


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