SINGAPORE: A 52-year-old man took to social media wondering if he should reveal his feelings to his 40-year-old female colleague.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man wrote that he considered himself an “Uncle in a Dilemma”. Both he and his business associate were single and he wrote that they had known each other for 16 years. “Not only the basic “know”, but we are what the youngsters today term as “bff”.Our r/s, other than work, is platonic. We shared alot emotionally. Somehow we connect very well. At times we are physical, but no[t] in the s*xual way”, the man explained.

“she will hug & hang on to me if she gets drunk/high coz she knows i will protect her always. She is extremely pleasant looking, in fact an eye candy too & other guys will try to establish physical contact when she gets high on alcohol. So each time this happens, i will send her home (holding hands like a couple) & nothing else more”, he wrote.

He also said that he has witnessed her going through several failed relationships where it broke his heart to see her get hurt. He added that while she was single, she just went through another failed relationship where she was emotionally abused.

“Now the dilemma comes in. I have a liking to fact I think it’s love for her. Tbh, i have this feeling for more than 10 yrs. But i just couldn’t bring myself to express in words other than showing concern, protecting her & supporting her everytime when she goes thru a bad phase. I am like always there for her. And she knows I will always be there coz she did told me before recently. Should i tell her ? And Yes, there is a 12 yr gap”, the man wrote, asking if he should confess his feelings for her.

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Netizens were unanimous in their comments asking the man to take a shot and tell her about his feelings. Some even offered to help him tell her. Here’s what they said:

Earlier this year, a woman who had been married for seven years took to social media asking others for advice after she found suspicious texts on her husband’s phone.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman who was in her early 30s, said she felt she had a loving relationship with her husband and felt very blessed and happy to have him.

However, she wrote that recently, she found out that he “has taken the effort to mute and delete his Telegram chat with this girl who’s his colleague. When confronted he denied it and made excuses about it, saying that it’s just normal chat conversation and he deleted it because he didn’t want me to think too much about it since I’m more of the jealous type”.

She added that when she thought about the issue, she felt that if her husband had nothing to hide, why would he delete his colleague’s chat?

“He even muted it in case her chat pops up when I’m around. I’m afraid I might be overthinking. Should I be worried about my marriage?” the woman wrote.

Woman says she’s suspicious after her husband hid & deleted messages he had with his female colleague