Follow These 5 Simple Tips to Stay Virus-Free
By: Barron Boon
Our immune system is our only defense against various disease-causing micro-organisms. People who have a strong immune system are at a lesser risk of being invaded by these micro-organisms and getting sick all the time. While there is no denial that prevention is better than cure, a strong immune system will keep those disease-causing germs at bay even if your body is exposed to them constantly. But the question arises, how can you boost your immune system by making a few lifestyle adjustments?
Follow these 5 simple tips to boost your immune system and fortify your defenses and stay virus-free for times to come.
1. Get Adequate Sleep And Manage Your Stress Levels
The simplest formula to strengthening your immune system is to get proper sleep. People who are not able to enjoy enough quality sleep are prone to getting sick when exposed to disease-causing micro-organisms than those who get proper sleep.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produces in the adrenal glands which are located on top of each kidney. This hormone is released in the body in response to events and circumstances such as acute stress and sleep deprivation. By getting enough sleep and maintaining manageable stress levels we can easily moderate the body’s level of cortisol.
The main function of cortisol is to reduce the inflammation in the body. However, if this hormone is released in excess quantity it can have adverse effects on our immune system. Various lifestyle factors such as acute stress, poor diet, and insufficient sleep can result in chronic inflammation pushing the body to release excess cortisol, this can cause havoc on the immune system. When the immune system gets compromised, our body becomes susceptible to various gastrointestinal issues, food allergies, colds and flu, and other illnesses.
Therefore, the secret to boosting your immune system lies in getting enough sleep and keeping the stress levels down.
2. Eat Yoghurt To Maintain A Healthy Digestive System
You will be surprised to know that 70-80% of our immune system resides in our gut, therefore maintaining a healthy digestive system is necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system. A slight bacterial imbalance in your gut can disturb your immune system leaving you open to diseases.
The best way to keep your immune system strong is to maintain a healthy digestive system and the easiest and most effective way to do that is to eat morning dose to yoghurt. It is the presence of Probiotics (good bacteria) in yoghurt that helps boost the immune system. You can also take fermented milk products or various Probiotic supplements to strengthen your digestive system and reduce the chances of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.
3. Increase The Intake Of Vitamin C
The role of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is well established in strengthening our body’s immune system. By supplying the body the required daily dose of vitamin C we can easily strengthen our immune system and keep the foreign cells at bay.
Latest research shows that Vitamin C supplements actually increase the number of antibodies in our body, which in turn protect our body from various viruses and bacteria. The required daily dose of vitamin C varies from person to person. Here is the daily recommended dose for:
- Adult men – 90mg of vitamin C/day
- Adult women – 75mg of vitamin C/day
You can increase the dose to 250mg or 1g per day to help decrease the incidence and duration of colds. Citrus fruits and potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, while many fruit juices also contain 100% of the vitamin C.
4. Eat A Well-Balanced Diet
By providing your body with a well-balanced diet you can also boost your immune system. A well-balanced diet provides the required amount of the necessary nutrients to keep the immune system active all the time.
A study conducted on older adults showed that those adults who ate a lot of fruits and vegetables enjoyed a better antibody response to the Pneumovax vaccine, which works as a shield against the Streptococcus Pneumonia.
It is only by eating a well-balanced diet and providing your body with the all the essential nutrients that you can make sure that your body as well as your immune system always functions at the optimal levels.
You need to add lots of vegetables, low-fat dairy, fruits, whole grain, and lean protein into your diet to make it a well-balanced diet. Your body will get the required amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals from this type of balanced diet and your immune system will also become stronger.
If you are thinking about taking a vitamin/mineral or herbal supplement, make sure to do your homework properly before you buy one. Since the health supplement market is not regulated as such, make sure to read some online reviews and collect authentic information from other sources before you make your decision. It is always a good idea to buy the products of a reputable company.
Pro-tip: Use Garlic, since Garlic is a very powerful broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent and it also works as a good immune booster.
Pro-tip: If you are a frequent traveler, you need to learn how to maintain your well-balanced diet on the go.
5. Drink Tea
A recent Harvard study report reveals that people who drank five cups of black tea per day regularly for two weeks enjoyed a more effective immune system than those who drank other hot drinks. A blood sample test found that people who drank a lot of black tea had 10X more virus-fighting interferon in their blood.
Both black tea and green tea contain an amino acid namely L-theanine which is responsible for boosting the immune system. In order to get the optimal dose of this amino acid, you have to drink several cups daily on regular basis.
There may be a lot more ways to boost your immune system and keep the body active and disease-free; however, the methods described above are all natural and very effective. By eating a well-balanced diet, sipping a few cups of black tea, eating a cup of fresh yoghurt, drinking fresh juices with plenty of vitamin C, and taking a good nap, you can keep your body running at maximum efficiency.