Singapore – A man was spotted arguing with two Certis Cisco officers, demanding them to show him their badge, after allegedly being caught smoking in Orchard Road.

A video of the incident was shared on Facebook on Saturday (Aug 21) by one Max Maxis Maxis.

The video began with a man recording the scene at Orchard Boulevard’s public car park, demanding one of the two enforcement officers to reveal his name.

Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore

“Sir, let me finish my work first, then I explain to you,” the officer said.

In response, the man behind the camera asked for the officers to show their identity cards to the camera.

“Can show me your card? You cannot put like that, you mush show, you must show. No, no, no, no, no. You must show. You must show me you threaten me all,” he repeated.

Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore

Meanwhile, the officers continued processing the ticket issuance.

“You are not allowed to take video,” said the male officer.

The man was heard saying, “No, no, no, I allowed to take. This my safety. Later you scold me anything. You also got camera for what.”

Despite another request to stop filming the scene, the man said, “Never mind, you show me your card. You never show me your pass; how do I know who are you?”

At this point, the camera was turned off; however restarted promptly after, showing the Certis Cisco caps and vests of the two officers more clearly.

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It was also revealed that the man and another individual were unhappy at being fined for smoking in a no-smoking zone.

The other individual requested to be informed that smoking was not allowed in the Orchard area, saying, “Please, I want the car park all must put no smoking one.”

“But he never throw, he never throw,” said one of the men, presumably referring to failing to discard the cigarette butt properly.

Eventually, the other individual said, “Why must hold my IC so long?”

The male officer explained, “This is Orchard Road, non-smoking zone. Everywhere you can see non-smoking zone.”

Photo: FB screengrab/Complaint Singapore

Unable to respond to the officer’s statement, the man circled back to his initial point.

“I want to see your badge,” he said as the video ended.

The Orchard Road precinct has been a No Smoking Zone (NSZ) since Jan 1, 2019./TISG

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