SINGAPORE: The ‘Lion Dance’s Head’ that led Singapore Yiwei Athletic Association to victory at the 14th Genting World Lion Dance Championship was not only honoured when it was brought out on display during their 25th-anniversary dinner at Resorts World Sentosa, but it was also immortalised as it served as a poignant reminder of their historic achievement.

The Singapore Yiwei Athletic Association broke a 13-year winning streak by Malaysian teams when they impressed judges last year in the Resorts World Genting, Malaysia competition.

Team B took the top spot with 9.73 points, while Team A came in third with 9.58 points. Second place went to Khuan Loke Dragon and Lion Dance Association from Selangor with 9.64 points.

Photo credit: Singapore Yiwei Athletic Association

The association’s 25th-anniversary dinner was attended by Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and Environment, who gave recognition to Singapore’s lion dance troupe for their memorable win in 2023.

“Our very own Lion Dance from Singapore became a world champion in 2023  新加坡藝威體育會 Singapore Yiwei Athletic Association won the 14th Genting World Lion Dance Championship, beating 35 international teams!” said Minister Fu on her Facebook page.

Minister Fu also shared the tradition bestowed towards the Lion Dance’s head that was used by the troupe during their triumphant performance in Genting last year.

“And I learnt something from the Association’s 25th anniversary dinner. The Lion Dance Head that won the championship would go through an honorary sealing ceremony to symbolise the glorious completion of its task and never be “touched” or “danced with” again,” mentioned the Minister.

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Minister Fu added that she was privileged to witness the ceremony and happy to see the Yiwei Athletic Association reaching the pinnacle of the traditional art form of Lion Dance.

“Many members of the troupe started at a young age and put in years of hard work and endured setbacks and injuries to reach a high level — really proud of them!”

It was a busy period for the Singapore Yiwei Athletic Association during the Chinese New Year period as they performed Lion Dance at the Resorts World Sentosa on the first day of the festive period on Feb 10.

Members of the public were also able to catch them in action at various malls such as 313@Somerset, Jem, Paya Lebar Quarter, and Parkway Parade.


🇲🇾 2023 第14屆雲頂世界獅王爭霸戰 14 Resort World Genting World Lion Dance Championship 2023 6/8 🇸🇬新加坡藝威体育会 B队 / Singapore Yiwei Team B 决赛 Final!!! 总得:9.73 世界冠军 World Liondance Champion 世界狮王🏆🏆🏆World Record Score Congratulations!!!👏👏👏🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 #马来西亚 #malaysia #malaysiatiktok #liondance #mualan #tariansinga #barongsai #醒獅 #醒狮 #舞狮 #舞狮生活 #舞狮表演 #舞狮运动 #liondancer #liondanceperformance #liondancecompetition #liondancelife #liondancetiktok #liondancer #liondancing #liondance2023 #舞狮比赛 #高桩 #高桩舞狮 #世界狮王争霸赛 #resortworldgenting #第14届云顶世界狮王争霸战 #liondancechampionship #新加坡 #singapore #singaporetiktok #yiweisingapore #yiwei #藝威 #艺威体育会 #艺威体育会b队 #liondancesingapore #世界冠军 #狮王 #世界狮王 #majulahsingapura #NDP2023 #singapore58 #singapore58thbirthday

♬ 原声 – 🌹Joe Jun🌹 – 🌹Joe Jun🌹