
White South African

The controversial topic of White farmers in South Africa is not the main focal point of most mainstream media. Previously, Julius Malema, the leader of EEF, one of South Africa’s bigger opposition parties has made controversial statements regarding those who are White in the country. Conservatives on X are sharing their concerns for the future of the nation. 

According to Fee.org, since the end of Apartheid in 1994, South Africa has paradoxically echoed many of the same mistakes as its previous regime, from speech censorship to agricultural property violations. Despite the intended transformation away from Apartheid’s mentality, the nation has reinforced similar policies, notably the 2016 Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill. 

Following that, the legislation is still under debate. It threatens the freedom of expression by imposing imprisonment for hate speech, defined vaguely enough to encompass mild critiques. Moreover, the government’s push for expropriation without compensation further jeopardizes civil liberties and perpetuates Apartheid-era injustices, veering away from genuine transformation towards free markets and individual freedoms.

Ironically, after chasing out their White farmers, Zimbabwe is now offering a “compensation” or as Americans like to call it, “reparations” to them and are awaiting for their return. The compensation is worth over $3.5 billion.  

South Africa without White farmers may turn into Zimbabwe 2.0 


Furthermore, X users are blaming socialist thinking for ideas like these to be spread out. They state that bleeding out the productive in order to keep the unproductive people to stay high is the definition of socialism. Apparently, there are over 28 million people in the country who are relying on grants while having only 7 million taxpayers. 

Others fear that the United States may pick up on these ideas and develop them further. Some users feel that this whole ordeal is entirely out of logic and that South Africa is a cartoon country making as many bad decisions as possible before it’s too late. 

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The post X users saying South Africa without White farmers may turn into Zimbabwe 2.0  appeared first on The Independent News.

ByAsir F