Workers’ Party (WP) member Jamus Lim has taken to Facebook to inform Singaporeans of the work that now lies ahead for the opposition, following the nation’s 2020 General Election results.

Mr Lim posted a message on Facebook on Monday (July 13) thanking Singaporeans who supported him throughout the nation’s most recent GE.

Mr Lim became somewhat of a “fan favourite” recently, as many Singaporeans took a special liking to the economics professor’s quirks and lingo. For example, according to a recent report, in a televised election debate that aired on July 1, Mr Lim said that being an educator “warms the cockles of (his) heart.” The phrase means to make one feel good.

This phrase became a hit online after many netizens began using it following Mr Lim’s use of the old idiom.

This attention translated well for Mr Lim in the 2020 GE, as he, along with fellow-WP members emerged the victors in the new Sengkang GRC with 52.13 per cent of the votes. Mr Lim, joined by He Ting Ru, Raeesah Khan and Louis Chua went head-to-head with a team from the nation’s ruling party, the People’s Action Party (PAP). The PAP team consisted of Ng Chee Meng, Lam Pin Min, Amrin Amin and Raymond Lye.

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The historic win for the WP in the 2020 GE resulted in the opposition winning 10 seats in Parliament.

In his recent Facebook post, Mr Lim thanked Singaporeans for the support they showed the WP and acknowledged the camaraderie among politicians and the people. “We couldn’t have done it without the efforts of people like you, who spoke to your parents and relatives and friends living in Sengkang, and persuaded them to #voteforchange,” he wrote.

However, Mr Lim said that now that he along with other WP members have been elected into Parliament, the real work begins. “We have begun a movement, but now the hard work really begins.” He notified Singaporeans that because of his duties, he may not be able to get to everyone’s messages.

“On my part, my new commitments unfortunately means that—much as I would love to—I will be unable to respond to all your messages. I will endeavor to read every message, however, and I take the many suggestions and ideas to heart,” he said.