Update: Sultan Mosque Management has released a statement saying that it had investigated the matter and “found that our staff concerned did not chase away the congregant and his group from Sultan Mosque.” It invited Mr Saifudean Mead for a meet up to resolve the issue amicably.
Assalamualaikum wr wb,Sultan Mosque viewed this matter seriously and has invited Mr Saifudean Mead for a meet up…
Posted by Masjid Sultan Singapore on Sunday, 13 March 2016
Worshipers at a local mosque were chased out of the prayer hall because a Minister was visiting the place of prayer, claimed a Facebook user Saifudean Mead.
Mr Saifudean said five worshipers (including himself) sat down at the public praying area of Sultan Mosque after the afternoon prayer to discuss religious teachings when one of the staff told them to leave the premise because “5 or more people sitting in the prayer hall is an offence.”
Writing in his Facebook Saifudean asked, “since when is this a rule in Allah’s house?”
The worshipers were further irritated when the mosque staff went on and on about ISIS and illegal gathering. And as they got ready to leave to avoid unnecessary arguments, the staff told them, “as there will be a minister visiting this mosque, it is advisable for you guys to leave because this might be an ugly sight for the minister and the mosque.”
“So a minister is greater than Allah?” Saifudean wondered.
After Saifudean’s post went viral (it has been shared over 1600 times in Facebook), an executive of the mosque contacted him to assure him that the matter will be investigated.
The executive further clarified that the rule that worshipers have to leave because a Minister was visiting is not a standing order of the place of worship, and could be the personal view of an individual staff of the mosque.
“I may be harsh with my last line to fault the whole organization but it does reflect (on) them,” said Saifudean.
Salam everybody. Here's an update, a pegawai executive from Masjid Sultan contacted me and he will look into this matter…
Posted by Saifudean Mead on Saturday, 12 March 2016