Singapore — “Well played, Singapore, well played,” declared a pair of popular YouTubers who recently reviewed Singaporean Army Rations.

While they made fun of the texture and taste of many items in the food packet, they eventually gave the food high marks, second only to French army rations and perhaps at par with, or even better than, their Korean counterpart. 

YouTubers Josh Carrott and Ollie Kendal, creators of popular channels Korean Englishman and Jolly, regularly review food from different parts of the world, such as Michelin starred Indian take-out items.

One of their playlists is called “Weird, Wonderful Food of the World,” and the first food they reviewed was “Brain Mold Cheese.”

The pair seems to have an affinity for Asian food including looking for the spiciest Indomie noodles and chicken feet.

But they also regularly try army rations from different countries including Korea, Germany and France.

And in this vein, a certain “BQ” recently sent the pair MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) from Singapore, and they set out to eat the food on cam, with Mr Kendal donning a camouflage hat and green face paint, as well as surrounding himself with fake tropical trees, for full “Singaporean jungle” effect. 

While the food can be heated, BQ had written to the hosts that they’re mostly eaten cold due to time constraints and that the “most common method of eating them is to tear a small corner and squeeze the contents into your mouth.”

Apparently, even instant coffee is consumed this way, a method that Mr Kendal called “not terrible,” and Mr Carrott called “really interesting.”

One item the two enjoyed was “like a lentil curry”  although Mr Kendal said it had “the texture of nutty poo.”

“How did you know that?”, retorted his partner.

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The dessert, barley nata de coco, had mixed reviews, as it “looked like vomit,” according to Mr Carrott, and seemed to make his partner sick.

At one point, Mr Kendal tells Mr Carrott he’s not sure he can eat much more, and says he’s getting “hot sweats” as he retreats behind the leaves of his fake tree.

They then have “Javanese noodles with chicken frank,” which “looks like a scarecrow’s guts.”

“Easily the worst one we’ve had yet,” says Mr Carrott.

They do enjoy the curry rice, however. The green bean dessert, on the other hand, while “not so bad,” got strange looks for being “very liquidy”.

On the whole, they seemed to enjoy the experience, especially the “coffee trick”.

“I would say that is up there, maybe the second-best rations we’ve tried after the French,” said Mr Carrott. 

The pair have called French army rations the “tastiest in the WORLD,” while the German counterpart was “actually TERRIFYING.”

As for Russian army rations, the two captioned their review with, “WHAT IS THIS!?!?🤢


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