Singapore – The topic of car park snatchers became viral online after videos of recent incidents were shared on various Facebook pages.
“Recently, there have been more ill-mannered drivers who insert their car ahead of those waiting for their lot,” wrote Facebook page on Sunday (Apr 11).
“This is simply rude and ill-etiquette for the driving community.”
One incident showed a vehicle waiting to take the slot of an exiting SUV. “Indicator switched on and stopped to let back car know I am parking,” wrote the driver of the vehicle parking.
However, when the driver moved forward to reverse into the slot, the rearview camera picked up a Porsche moving forward to block the slot.

“This Porsche driver has no driving etiquette at all,” read the caption.
Not interested in dealing with a “shameless driver,” the driver reversed and let the Porsche take the slot. The incident happened on Redhill market on Saturday (Apr 10) at about 8 am.

Another video, which was also uploaded on Facebook page Complaint Singapore, showed a Toyota Camry snatching a parking slot that another vehicle was waiting for.
A vehicle recording the scene was double-parked nearby, waiting for the parking lot in front to free up.

However, the Camry suddenly appeared from the left and drove into the slot head first.

Based on the footage time stamp, the incident also happened on Saturday.
In response to the videos, members from the online community shared numerous instances where they experienced the same. “This selfish behaviour is very common. There are many sick selfish idiots on the roads,” wrote Steven Tor P H./TISG
Read related: Two BMWs’ dispute over parking slot at Amoy St