Traffic rules are rules, not suggestions. This means they exist to be obeyed, even if you’re a Star Wars Jedi or Sith Lord, and no matter how much of a hurry you are in.
For two men in Tampines, however, this did not seem to be the case, as they used the power of their own upraised hands to somewhat force oncoming vehicles to stop, even when the light was green.
A video of the errant pedestrians was uploaded on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook and YouTube pages on Tuesday (May 3).
Taken from a dashcam, the video clearly shows that the green traffic light means the cars can go.
But the two men decide to boldly cross anyway. In the first half of the crosswalk, they use raised right hands to stop oncoming cars, in the second half, they use their left hands and merrily keep on going.
Commenters were all about the “power of the hand.”
Others surmised that the men may be from other countries, where this type of behaviour when crossing is not uncommon.
Some, however, suggested that the men may be drunk, writing that it was the “power of beer” rather than the “power of hand.”