Facebook user Danny shared a video and several pictures of his taxi being vandalised. His video also showed two Caucasians walking away from him as he started to video them. One of them scolded the cabbie in vulgarity as he was filming.

[fvplayer src=”https://theindependent.sg.sg/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/21256931_353497375092162_5764842960256499712_n.mp4″ width=”224″ height=”400″]

Danny shared the video and pictures in a closed Facebook group ‘League of the Extraordinary Cabbies’, but the video and photos are now being widely shared in several social media platforms.

Danny said of the incident: “Pick up these 2 jokers from marina bay sands to Arab street! When alight from my taxi, spray fire extinguisher into my taxi. Ended up with big shit! Police report made , have video of their faces , evidence of the extinguisher (police retrieve fingerprints from extinguisher and bring it back for evidence), hope they get caught be it through social media or through police!”

He added: “Kena fire extinguisher so jialat! Extinguish ghost fire in my taxi lol!”

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