Singapore – A Traffic Police (TP) officer was spotted chasing a pair of cyclists who had beaten a red light along Tanah Merah Coast Road.
On Tuesday (Mar 16), Facebook page SG Road Vigilante – SGRV uploaded a video of two cyclists who failed to stop at a red-light signal. The incident happened on Mar 13 along Tanah Merah Road.
“Under the Road Traffic Act, the composition sum for cyclist offence is S$75,” the post added.
The footage was captured by another cyclist trailing behind the duo. Despite the traffic signal indicating a complete stop a few seconds before the cyclists reached the junction, the two at the front continued on their way.

When the lights turned green, a TP officer on a motorcycle could be seen setting off on a chase after the duo.

Further along the road, the cyclists could be seen pulled over by the officer.

The video backtracks to the beginning of the incident but included audio footage this time.
“They have a death wish,” said one of the cyclists after witnessing the duo beat the red light. The sound of a motorcycle, believed to be the TP officer’s, could also be heard as it pulls up at the intersection.
A different voice, presumably the officer’s, asked, “Do they belong to your group of friends?”
One of the cyclists responds, “We’re trying to stop them, but they just went off.”
While waiting for the lights to turn green, the cyclists and TP officer engaged in some banter. “Nice bike man. 1,000cc?” asked one of the cyclists, perhaps about the officer’s motorcycle. The same voice also asked if the motorcycle was “heavy.”
The video returns to the moment the lights turned green, and the officer sped away./TISG
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