This story is about one Ir.Hj.Zainuddin.Bin.Hj.Omar who posted on the Saya Sayang Tun M facebook page.

The page name means ‘I love Tun Mahathir’ and the story he wrote is how Najib got himself entangled in a maze of surrealism in his ‘I love PM’ campaign.

And the narrative is scary. It reveals the entire machinery set up by Najib to push the campaign on a national level, but with Najib leaving the work to his chosen campaigners, the ex-PM was in dreamland.

However, it also depicts how Najib functions. That is he is the one who delegates the duties and he expects those chosen to deliver at all cost.

And this is what they did. That is to deliver at all cost even if it was not the right thing to do.

While he is the one who delegates the duties, he has one thing in mind: He is thus blameless.

This is his explanation of the 1MDB catastrophe that cost him his job as PM and it will be his explanation for the failed BN campaign in the General Elections.

Nevertheless, Zainuddin depicted a National Socialist style of running the BN’s campaign, with Najib enjoying the fruits of the labour of the team while frustrations about his leadership were running high.

The invites and events were from the Jabatan Perdana Menteri or PM’s office which had a huge budget indeed.

Yet it was the Government Linked Companies (GLC’s) – the same ones now blamed partially by the Pakatan Harapan government for the high debt ration of Malaysia – that footed the bill.

The people attending and running the events were among the 17,000 political appointees of Najib.

The abuse of funds came through the Ministry of Finance helmed by Najib and that clearly meant there was no limit to the spending altogether.

Zainuddin said he thought most of this mess was due to Najib holding the post of Minister of Finance and that the latter acted upon ‘his whims and fancy’.

And the abuse became gross with the GLC’s where only the Managing Directors and CEO’s were the ones handling the cash. Others in the GLC’s were powerless and useless.

And the United Malays National Organisation, the party of Najib, used these GLC’s as their own gold mines.

Busses of people were ferried to the ‘I love PM’ campaigns. They were mostly Umno members who picked-up from Umno branches to boost the morale of the PM.

They were lavishly treated with airconditioned tents and food to entertain 5000 people. This was the Najib ‘gravy train’. The cost of the events was awfully high and the GLC’s footed the bill.

The senior members of the GLC’s were forced to sing the song ‘I Love PM’ together with Najib on stage.

That made Najib believe he was the most beloved PM in Malaysia’s history.

Where Najib went, the ‘I Love PM’ team did its make-up job, making Najib believe in the impossible, cutting him more and more off from the reality on the ground.

He was the ‘hero who lived in a drama with diehards around him acting as extras, directors, propman and cameraman.

A well-choreographed act that landed Najib in hot soup.