A source close to the Parti Keadilan Rakyat told The Independent the videos portraying Azmin Ali, Malaysia’s Economic Affairs Minister in a gay sex tryst, shows the same modus-operandi from the Anwar Ibrahim sex videos era.
In Anwar’s sex video releases showing a man looking like the Prime Minister to be engaging in sex with a Thai female sex worker that appeared in 2011, a Datuk T distributed his confessions to the media via press releases.
The Datuk later came out in public accompanied by two other Datuk’s including a prominent former Chief Minister of Malacca Rahim Thamby Chik who admitted that he is one of three Datuks who was behind the release of the Anwar sex videos.
The funny part was they asked for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to ‘determine the authenticity of the clips.”
The PKR informant told The Independent it seems the current ruling coalition has learned a lot from the former administration in the use of sex videos to bring down top political leaders.
Or, he says, the people who fabricated and planted Anwar’s sex videos clips are not far from the ones who did the Azmin job.
“The fabricators, the way they used released the videos and so on and the confession by the young PKR member resemble the waves of video releases targeting Anwar,” says the source.
This time around, the man who confessed to be the person performing sexual acts asked the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate Azmin, adding he is not fit to be a leader.
Anwar Ibrahim got caught in various sex tapes that was intended to support allegations that he is a homosexual and a prolific sexual predator.
In 2011, The mainstream media published screen shots of the Anwar sex video but Anwar survived the episode, grew stronger on the political scene.
But the Datuk’s went further in their allegations, organising a contest to find an Anwar look alike because the opposition said the person in the controversial sex tape was only a look alike, and was not Anwar.
Two years later, the Pakatan Rakyat opposition lost the elections though it won 52% of popular votes. Soon enough, another sodomy accusation was laid against Anwar, landing him in jail for 5 years.
Datuk T, falling short of saying he prepped the hotel room to catch Anwar supposedly having illicit sex with a prostitute in Thailand, told the media he was asked by Anwar to check his hotel room for an Omega watch left behind.
Datuk T, a bespectacled Malay man in his 50s, said he then stumbled upon some electrical wiring as well as a video recorder containing the footage of the politician having sex with a woman.
This time around, it is a ‘young boy’ as Dr Mahathir calls the Azmin Ali sex tape participant, who is a member of the PKR and who was also part of a Barisan Nasional election team in Sarawak.
Azmin’s accuser is now pressing ahead with his police reports claiming Azmin sent people to urge him to deny he is the man in the tapes, charges denied by Azmin’s team.
It is obvious the sex tapes business, a booming business in the country in the last 20 years, will continue unabated unless the hidden hands behind these plots are unmasked!