2 Sembawang MPs out of action at the same time due to lower-body injuries


Photos: Sayang Sembawang FB, Lim Wee Kiak FB

SINGAPORE: Two Singapore GRC Members of Parliament (MP), Ong Ye Kung and Lim Wee Kiak have temporarily suspended house visits in their ward, due to separate injuries involving their knee and foot, respectively.

Mr Ong’s injury is an old one, that occurred more than a decade ago. He tore his meniscus in his right knee while playing football in a labour union tournament, over ten years ago, and the cartilage in the knee wore out thereafter.

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Ben Yeo renovates his condo to evict his two sons, says it’s time for them to move out


Photo: IG screengrab/benyeo23

SINGAPORE: Ben Yeo renovated his 950 sq ft two-bedroom condo for his sons to have their own bedroom to sleep in. His adolescent boys, Javier, 13, and Jarius, 10, have been sleeping beside their parents for the longest time. For Ben, it is now the right moment for them to have their separate quarters.

“They were very happy to sleep in the same room as us, but I kicked them out,” shared Ben to the local news 8days. He believed that his sons, given their ages, should be more independent. “How are they going to manage when they do National Service?” he added.

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PAP takes its criticism about WP’s position on housing from ST forum page to Edusave Award ceremony


SINGAPORE: The ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) has reportedly taken its criticism about the Workers’ Party’s (WP) position on housing from the Straits Times forum page to Edusave Award ceremonies.

Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean appeared at an awards ceremony in his Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC on 26 Feb and allegedly used the occasion to criticise the WP, according to parents who attended the event.

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Singapore will not be base for US attack on China: former foreign minister George Yeo


In the event of war between the US and China, Singapore will not be used by the US as a base to attack China, in the opinion of former Singapore Foreign Minister George Yeo.

“I don’t think Singapore will be used as a base by the US to attack China,” said Yeo during a lunch talk at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Hong Kong on March 9.

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Domestic helper gives one month notice for transfer but employer ignores request, saying she will only give authorisation letter once she finds a replacement


A domestic helper from Mindoro island gathers hanging clothes
(Photo by JAY DIRECTO / AFP)

SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper took to social media asking others for advice after her employer ignored the one month’s notice she gave.

In an anonymous post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid wrote that she was not happy with her employer anymore and asked for a transfer nicely. She also gave her employer a month’s notice to find a replacement helper.

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