Man orders $22 McDonald’s meal that was delivered to the wrong unit, but said neither foodpanda nor UOB helped him

A netizen took to social media to complain after his McDonald’s delivery never arrived at his condominium unit, although it had been marked delivered. He reported this to foodpanda, but the company was unhelpful regarding his complaint.
He also reported the incident to UOB as a fraudulent transaction, and the bank told him to file a police report regarding the failed delivery but added that “no action” has been done by the bank.
He Ting Ru: We owe it to our teachers to protect their mental health

Workers’ Party Member of Parliament He Ting Ru (Sengkang GRC) underlined the importance of caring for the mental health of teachers in an Aug 20 Facebook post.
Ms He noted that while a recently announced pay increase for teachers is “welcome” news, there are ways to “better support our teachers in the crucial work they do, nurturing our next generation.”
Expensive or normal price? S$6.20 for meal at Jurong West

A customer took to social media to ask the public if paying S$6.20 for a meal at a coffeeshop was considered expensive or reasonable.
A Facebook page Complaint Singapore member purchased a chicken thigh, some veggies, tofu and rice at 金味 24 Hours Coffeeshop in Jurong West.
Workers’ Party: While 377A and definition of marriage are important, ‘there are (also) other issues facing the nation’ — GST “adds to inflation at a time when it is wholly unnecessary”

One of the highlights of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Rally speech was the announcement that Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalizes sex between men, will be repealed.
Singapore’s foremost opposition party, The Workers’ Party, issued a statement in response to the Prime Minister’s speech, saying that it recognises “the fundamental right of people to live free from fear and discrimination and to be treated equally under the law.”
IN FULL: National Day Rally 2022

My fellow Singaporeans
Good evening.
We have come a long way in our fight against COVID-19. We are now learning to live with the virus. With each infection wave, we have managed the impact better. The latest, the Omicron BA.5 wave, is now subsiding.
In many other countries, when a wave happens, cases shoot up furiously and then crash down suddenly, like a roller coaster. And when cases shoot up like that hospitals come under a lot of pressure. In Singapore, our waves grow as well as tail off more gradually. This suggests we have been effective in slowing down disease transmission. We have spread out the impact, and prevented our hospitals from being overwhelmed.