South Africa is going through a radical phase where their leaders are making bold statements towards 7.7% of their country. This 7.7% are the White people of South Africa, and it is shocking to see leaders casually mocking White people. Julius Malema claims that rugby is not a White person’s sport, even though it was literally invented by a White person.

According to IOL, Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), has called for the dismantling of the South African Rugby National Team, the Springboks, which he views as a symbol of white supremacy. Malema criticized the team’s emblem and apartheid-era colors, advocating for symbols that represent South Africa’s democracy.

Furthermore, he clarified that his objection is not to rugby as a sport but to the current representation. Malema called for a name, colors, and emblem change that aligns with the nation’s interests rather than promoting “white supremacy.” He expressed his preference for supporting Bafana Bafana and attributed their struggles to a lack of support and sponsorship compared to well-funded “white” teams.

In a twist of irony, William Webb Ellis was the inventor of the sport. However, there are claims that he did not invent it, and there are a number of complications when it comes to the discussion of this.

South African leader claims rugby is not a “White person’s” sport 

Following that, it seems that South Africans are calling Julius Malema out for his speech. The X user alleges that the politician is brave enough to give anti-White speeches while at the same time begging wealthy White benefactors for money. However, this is a claim made by an X user and it is unclear whether this is true or not.

Other X users state that the politician should not invoke hate towards a certain group of people for political gain. In addition to this, users state that they are going to claim other inventions made by White people later on. It is sad to see people fighting each other based on the colour of their skin.

Many agree that South Africa does not have a good image of themselves when they have politicians openly talking like this about their own citizens. Regardless, there are plenty of other things for politicians to talk about, but it seems that they prefer to amplify the racial card the most.

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The post South African leader claims rugby is not a “White person’s” sport even though it was invented by a White man   appeared first on The Independent News.

ByAsir F