Motorcyclist Abel Kenneth Pereira took to Facebook to call out the elderly driver of a Jaguar for his recklessness on the road and for almost knocking over Pereira and his pillion rider. His post, published on Sunday morning has since gone viral on social media, garnering hundreds of reactions and comments from angry road-users.

Posted by Abel Kenneth Pereira on Saturday, 1 September 2018

In his post, Pereira said, “good morning brothers and sisters. i met with an accident ytd with this old man. he nearly took me and my pillion into serious state due to his reckless driving. thank god and lucky me i managed to handle my bike well and managed to catch up with him and stop him. or else he would have fled away! please be careful on the road! life’s not cheap and it’s not worthy to face something which isn’t your mistake. ???? #SN80U”

Along with photos of the man, Pereira also shared videos of the incident and of the man refusing to hand over his identification card.

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In another video of the accident, the elderly man can be seen driving dangerously close to Pereira’s motorcycle in the first lane, and towards the end of the video his car knocks into the bike.

Netizens also shared another video of a previous incident where the same driver hit yet another motorcyclist by recklessly cutting into his lane. While the motorcyclist seemed to be unharmed, in that video, the elderly driver alighted from his Jaguar and proceeded to argue with the motorcyclist.


RECKLESS JAGUAR SN80U"Overtaking me after the traffic junction and side swiping against my bike.You damaged my crash bar which you accuse me that it was my fault and that I swerve from the left to right and cut infront of you. Thank God I have a passer-by witness as he was also riding behind us and witnessed the whole incident.PS: Thank you Mr Hamzar (fellow biker seen in the video) for stopping and helping me out and by providing your details as to be my witness.Thanks Bro.This ARROGANT JAGUAR, wasn't even apologetic for his reckless actions which could have cause me my life.Made a Traffic Police report on the same day but IO(Investigating Officer) in charge said since its an accident and no injuries occured no action will be taken and asked me to submit my videos to my insurance for claiming purpose. Huh, you mean you wait till someone LOOSE their life than you take action when you can prevent it even before it happens.I am SHARING this incident not for any claiming purposes but just because i believe he would be a ROAD HAZARD to other road users also. Maybe he has been doing this a number of times to others SO BEWARE OF THIS JAGUAR (SN80U) on the road, my fellow riders/drivers!!!"Happened On 9th April at about 11.45 am along Yio Chu Kang Road.Credit: SinfulWorld Sinner

Posted by on Wednesday, 18 April 2018

While Singaporeans called out the elderly man for his driving, many also said that the motorcyclist was to be blamed too, for not using the second lane despite his slower speed.

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