Singapore — In a Feb 8 video on the SG Shares and singapuraa.viral Instagram accounts, a woman in a hospital bed can be heard complaining to her nurse.

What’s worse is, she threatened to ‘whack’ the nurse’s ‘motherf***ing face’.

Photo: IG screengrab/singapuraa.viral

“What do you mean by, ‘We never take care of you?’” the nurse asks her.

The irate patient rudely answers, “… you never give me the drip, the medicines also don’t give me.

Then you no visitor, donno’ what. Then you want to threaten, say the f***ing security coming.

You think I’m scared ah?”

The nurse replies, “I never said you think you’re scared. Don’t put words in people’s mouths, okay?”

The patient responds with vulgarities hurled towards the nurse.

The nurse then tells her that she will call someone else in.

The patient answers with, “Call. Then you see later I whack your motherf***ing face.”

The nurse leaves, and a man can be heard laughing in the background.

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The location of where this incident occurred is unknown.

Photo: IG screengrab/singapuraa.viral

The identity of the woman is also unknown, but a screengrab shows that it’s a livestream from a user who calls herself @marydelusion. 

Health care is a tough gig these days, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic in its third year, causing hospital and clinic staff to work harder than ever.

Nurses have been particularly hard hit, and in other countries, have been leaving the profession in droves, leading to a severe shortage.

Therefore, if the quality of healthcare one receives these days is less than stellar, it could very well be because nurses are badly overworked and understaffed.

One woman, however, did not seem to have any empathy for nurses and accused her nurse of ‘never taking care’ of her.


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Commenting on the IG posts, netizens have expressed sympathy for the nurse, as well as healthcare workers in general.

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In November, Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary alluded to a shortage of healthcare workers in a ministerial statement, where he noted a rising rate of resignations among both local and foreign healthcare workers. 

He noted that about 1,500 healthcare workers had resigned between January and June of last year.

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, around 2,000 resigned yearly.

On Nov 6, The Straits Times (ST) reported that nursing students in their final year from Nanyang Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic are being tapped to support the healthcare workforce, with their ten-week assignments to hospitals moved up from their slated schedule of December to November.

And on Nov 25, ST reported that the healthcare workers’ shortage has gotten so bad that a private hospital group now offers as much as $12,000 as a finder’s fee for its staff who succeed in recruiting experienced nurses to sign on. /TISG

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‘We haven’t had proper rest since COVID started’ — healthcare workers say on Reddit