A concerned member of the public has written in to The Independent Singapore regarding discrepancies in the reopening of barbecue or BBQ pits, recently announced as part of the simplified Covid-19 safety measures in the country.

“A few days ago, the Straits Times ran an article about easing of measures, among which was reopening of BBQ pits,” said the concerned individual on Monday (Feb 21). Mr G inquired with the National Parks Board (NParks) and received a reply that the BBQ pits would remain closed.

“This is a contradiction and not very fair on the public who might be looking forward to this but will be disappointed. At its best, it is a miscommunication; at its worst, it is false hope. The government making things look a lot rosier than they actually are,” he said.

A quick check on NParks’ website notes that BBQ pits will remain closed. “In line with the Multi-Ministry Taskforce’s latest advisory, campsites in our parks and BBQ pits remain closed,” the notice reads.

Covid-19 safe management measures were streamlined to focus on key areas such as group sizes, mask-wearing, workplace rules and capacity limits on Feb 16.

Beginning Feb 25, households can receive up to five visitors at any given time, while workplace social gatherings could resume with a cap of five people.

The Independent Singapore has reached out to NParks for clarification on the matter.


On Feb 24, the National Parks Board communications manager Sheryl Tay clarified the matter to The Independent Singapore as below:

“In line with the latest announcement by the Multi-ministry Taskforce as we transition to a Covid-19 resilient nation, the National Parks Board (NParks) is preparing for the reopening of barbecue pits. More details will be shared when ready.”



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