On Saturday (Apr 23) Workers’ Party head and Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh posted a photo of himself with Ms Iwona Piórko, Ambassador of the European Union to Singapore, over social media.

The picture had been taken earlier this week when the Ambassador had paid an introductory courtesy call to Mr Singh at Parliament House.

“Grateful and thankful to the Ambassador for the open and frank exchange, which included a discussion on Ukraine, and local matters such as jobs and foreigners too.

Left the meeting with much food for thought and wished the Ambassador well, and a fruitful stint in Singapore,” the Leader of the Opposition wrote in a Facebook post.

Ms Piórko posted about her meeting with the WP head as well.

The Ambassador, who hails from Poland, began her term in Singapore in September of last year. She has held several positions in the leadership of the EU, including Head of International Affairs at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs.

See also  WP sec-gen Pritam Singh to face trial on 14 Oct

Mr Singh’s post sparked a flurry of positive comments from netizens, who were happy at the recognition Mr Singh received from the EU Ambassador.

Many commenters called him Singapore’s future leader.

Others, perhaps more realistically, were gratified at the recognition that Singapore’s opposition received due to the EU Ambassador’s courtesy call.

Some commenters took the opportunity to praise Mr Singh.


‘We may just witness the second coming of Pritam Singh’ — Netizen expresses confidence in the Leader of the Opposition