singapore dating app

SINGAPORE — SHIPP, the latest Singapore dating app, makes sure users have chemistry first before getting to know what each other looks like.

The tagline of the free app is: Vibe First, Connect Later. It claims to have been created by dating app users for dating app users, and says it’s the “only dating app you’ll ever need for real, genuine connections.”

SHIPP is open to anyone who lives in Singapore who’s over the age of 18 and its first TikTok appears to imply that romance does not necessarily take first place, asking “Friendships? Relationships? Or just a new chat buddy?”


Friendships? Relationships? Or just a new chat buddy? Join our VOYAGE! 🤗 #sgtiktok #tiktoksg #shipp #voyage #singapore #linkinbio #joinusnow

♬ MI MUNDO – Nomad & Lola

The company’s CEO, Mr Jason Yah, said in a press release, “Having tried many dating apps before, I observed that most of them work in similar formats and are more inclined to impress potential matches with physical appearances first before having any chance to interact further.”

This helps explain why with SHIPP, people don’t upload profile photos for their initial matches.

They are actually matched based on their text profile and can then have a seven-minute real-time chat first.

After that, they get to see each other’s pictures on the Singapore dating app.


Our app’s running high and wild. Give it a go, share and invite your single friends to vibe with matches and #GetSHIPPED It’s open to all genders and races and ages (as long as you’re 18 and above) Be on the lookout for our app updates and perks in our telegram channel (Link in our profile) #helloshipp #relationships #friendships #apprelease #singles #friends #justforyou

♬ original sound – helloshipp – helloshipp

The instructions on the app’s page are as follows:

1. Get into a real-time ‘vibing’ session with a preferred match

2. Check your chemistry/vibes through interactions within the time-limit

3. Get shown a full profile of your match after time’s up

4. Decide if you want to connect further!

The new Singapore dating app touts itself as backed by hours and hours of research, and psychological studies, and is described as “a complete non-swiping, real-time matchmaking app meticulously designed enables real, genuine connections by vibing first. Connect by Vibes.

At present, SHIPP has around 500 users who exchange 6,000 messages daily.


When was the last time you felt butterflies when sending a message? Would you like to feel that feeling again, or better yet, give yourself a chance and try again? #datingapp #text #vibes #rizz #rizzgod #dating #texting #fyp

♬ оригинальный звук – Herbian Sorse


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