London — There is no doubt that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas make a cute couple. The two just look so perfect together. Recently the beauty had an interview where she recalled the time she first met Jonas.

She shared that she was shocked by his audaciousness, as reported by People. Jonas held her hand and turned her around and Chopra was wondering what was happening. She said that Jonas was bold, confident and self-assured. It is surprising how Jonas kept his cool with such a beautiful woman!

Priyanka Chopra shares the secret to a successful marriage. Picture: Instagram

Chopra said that that was the most attractive thing about Jonas and it still is for her. She was so taken in and the couple’s courtship was such a short time. She added that she just rode the wave because she trusted Jonas. Chopra said that she is someone who likes to have a sense of control but with Jonas, she does not feel like she needs to do that. She feels protected and calm.

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During the interview with People, the 38-year-old was in London to film a movie while Jonas stayed in LA. She shared the reason why their marriage is able to stay so strong, even when she is busy pursuing her dreams. Chopra said that her husband told her that he will always be in her corner and he said that to her very early on. It was before they got married. At one point they were disagreeing about something and then Jonas said that he will always be in her corner and not on different sides of the room.

A partner who supports you fully is the most romantic thing! “And it just changed the way I was talking to him. It became the greatest thing I feel about this partnership, and what makes me feel so confident in being able to do all the things I want to do,” she said.

“We build each other up,” added Chopra. “There’s no, like, ‘I want to pull you down,’ negativity, drama.”