A lady was shamed online for standing in a parking lot at a car park in Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur, in order to ‘chope’ the space.

In the video, she can be seen refusing to move, despite a man taking a video of her and asking her to move.


In the video, she can be seen covering her face with her own mobile phone and arguing with the man.

“No manners”, she tells him.

To which he replies, “No manners? Then what about you? You stand over here. You’re not a car, you’re a person. Then you tell me what, you stand here first. My car here first. I also can wait.”

The man taking the video of her was the one who wanted to park his car in the lot she was standing in.

At multiple points in the video, she insults him by calling him “stupid” for not being able to speak Mandarin, and even refuses to hear what he says because it is not in Mandarin.

The man, only known as我真的顶不顺咯from his Facebook account, posted the videos he took of the incident. In his posts, he said, “Oh and if the swipe at language was all that you could muster, that’s absolutely as pathetic as your attitude.
If you place that much pride upon the language, that must be why your attitude is as shit as the mainland. That’s where you belong.”

He also posted a second video, showing the lady getting into her own car, while still hurling insults at him.


The videos were shared on Facebook pages All Singapore Stuff and SBS – Sure Boh Singapore, which incited angry reactions from many Singaporeans, who said that she took the ‘kiasu’ attitude to the next level.

The lady, known as Yuki Bee, apparently made a police report apologising.


Most netizens compared her actions to using packets of tissue paper to reserve tables at food courts, hardly something Singaporeans should be proud of.

