Singapore An SBS Transit bus captain has garnered praise for her selfless effort in assisting an elderly man in need.

Commuter Alan Teo witnessed the gesture and wrote to SBS Transit, who then shared the incident on Facebook on Wednesday (Aug 18).

Mr Teo was in bus service no 112 on his way to Kovan MRT station when he saw the female bus captain alight without an umbrella.

She ran towards an old man who fell to the ground.

“The old man was facing the ground and having difficulty getting up. The lady captain then held him and tried to pull him up from the ground.”

Mr Teo noted that her actions caught the attention of other passengers, who also alighted to provide the bus captain and elderly man with shelter using their umbrellas.

“I am deeply touched and warmth (sic) by her selfless action. She is not only an asset to the company but to the society too,” wrote Mr Teo, impressed with the bus captain’s gesture.

See also  SBS Transit celebrates 50th anniversary with history of public transport exhibition
Photo: FB screengrab/SBS Transit Ltd

“We are proud of Yee Ching, who is an inspiration to us. Seven years on the job, she constantly demonstrates our CARES values of providing caring, reliable, safe and secure service to our passengers,” said SBS Transit. /TISG

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SBS Transit bus captain wins praise for handing $10 to senior passenger who forgot his wallet