SINGAPORE: In an age of complaining about, well, everything, one Reddit user decided to start a thread of “Positive Affirmations only,” posting the following question on r/askSingapore: “What do you love about Singapore?”

I think in the past few weeks I keep seeing topics in the sub that remind me of the stress of living here. But I feel that deep down everyone knows this country is nothing short of amazing, if we remind ourselves of the things we love here we will be more motivated to pursue our ideals,” wrote u/GoodBoyMooMoo on Monday (Mar 20).

The Reddit user then listed what he’s thankful for, including: every cuisine you crave…no natural disasters….the safe and secure feeling I get when I live here…greenery all around…the strong and stable currency and high level of basic education.

Other people readily responded to the prompt, and the most upvoted entry was the biggest surprise.

  1. The National Library. “Every single time this topic comes up, my reply is always the same. NLB. Very wide network of well-maintained and safe public libraries. Generous loan limit, got free ebooks and audiobooks (and integration with Kobo for e-reader fans), access to newspapers and Udemy, conduct tons of cool activities and lectures around the island,”ham_rain wrote.

“OMG YES YES NLB!!! I am using Libby App on my iPad to borrow NLB books, this is golddddd,” answered the post author.

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2. Safety. “Probably one of the safest countries on the planet. Rarely can I run at 2 AM in the morning anywhere else and don’t care about my safety,” commented the_rookie_master.

“I can go out at 3am for a stroll, sit at a random bench drink soju eat chips and still feel safe. Really can’t take safety for granted,” LowTierStudent agreed.

3. The powerful passport. “I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned the passport so far. Take it from me – a naturalized Singaporean – the doors that this scarlet passport opens are freaking insane. Objective things like putting together documents for visa applications are not required; you could be lucky that the country you otherwise apply to has a modest list of needed documents or you could be trying to apply for a US visa where they tell you to bring “whatever documents you think may be necessary”. Bruh 💀. Even without getting into passport rankings, it is undeniable that our passport makes traveling around so much easier,” wrote ham_rain.

Others went above and beyond the assignment and listed several things they love about Singapore.





Singapore National Library offers books via book dispenser