The secretary-general of People’s Power Party (PPP), Goh Meng Seng, has taken to Facebook to express that he is against the Prime Minister of Israel’s visit to Singapore. According to reports, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is set to visit Singapore on 19 February at the invitation of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Mr Goh said that he was not against Israel as a country per se but is against the zionist movement which Mr Netanyahu symbolises. He said that the movement has created much sufferings and animosity in the middle-eastern region.

He flagged human rights violations, land grabs, and settlement programmes which are in violation of the United Nation’s resolution as further reasons for his opposition to the zionist movement.

“The Zionist government has also implemented apartheid system in Jerusalem and Palestine.,” Mr Goh said.

He added: “The last country with an apartheid system, South Africa, has already progressed; so why should we tolerate the Zionists?”

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He said that the Singapore government which has stated its support for world peace and for the rule of law should especially reject the head of the Israeli government.

Mr Goh acknowledged that the Israeli government helped establish the Singapore Armed Forces in the past and also the suffering of the Jewish people in World War II, but he said that these should not be justifications for Singapore’s continued support and condoning of the Zionist regime.

He said that his opposition is regardless of the opposition the Israeli PM’s visit to Singapore will draw from our neighbouring countries.