Singapore ― Describing the Covid-19 situation in Singapore, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said authorities had a “unique” approach to handling the pandemic and not a “flip-flop” of protocols, noting it may appear as such to some.

“The path chosen is quite unique in this world. We did not take a purist, zero Covid or living with Covid approach,” said Mr Ong on Monday (Oct 18) during the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Asia-Pacific Conference.

He noted that the country adopted an “eradication strategy” when the population was vulnerable in 2020 and early 2021.

“After vaccines have given us a protective shield, we are opening up progressively and avoiding a sudden lifting of all restrictions,” he said.

“Some may feel this middle of the road approach is perhaps unclear and may even appear to be a ‘flip-flop’ (to) some,” he added.

“But it has helped us avert the massive deaths that many countries have suffered.”

Mr Ong noted this was the correct approach for Singapore, and “day by day, we are moving closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.”

During the past few weeks, Singapore has seen a spike in Covid-19 cases, with deaths due to Covid-19 complications being reported daily for the last 29 days.

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The country’s Covid-19 death toll stands at 239, of which 184, or over 76 per cent, was reported between September and October.

In light of the surge in Covid-19 cases, restrictions were tightened in the community.

Beginning Oct 13, unvaccinated individuals are no longer allowed into shopping malls, large standalone stores, and attractions.

They can only do takeout from hawker centres and coffee shops – meaning unvaccinated individuals are excluded from dining in – at all food & beverage establishments.

In an update on Oct 9 on the Covid-19 situation, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the old strategy of reaching zero Covid-19 cases is no longer applicable. Instead, the country must now live with the virus.

The new strategy includes shifting to relying on home recovery, making it the norm for Covid-19 cases.

Regrading reaching the “new normal” state, Mr Lee said this would be when restrictions can be eased, and cases remain stable.

“Perhaps a hundred (cases) a day but not growing, when hospitals go back to business as usual.” /TISG

Read related: PM Lee on Living with Covid-19: Respect the virus but not be paralysed with fear

PM Lee on Living with Covid-19: Respect the virus but not be paralysed with fear