It’s Singapore, not Swingapore
By Abhijit Nag “What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason!…
By Abhijit Nag “What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason!…
By Ryan Ong Know what happened last Sunday? Last Sunday I sat around waiting…
You have to hand it to the people. You can have masterminds in government, but…
By Augustine Low As Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong has been competent and committed.…
But style overshadowed substance; time will tell if it is a decisive pivot towards inclusiveness…
By Cherian George This was probably Lee Hsien Loong's best National Day Rally speech ever,…
By Herbert Teo Having left Singapore almost 30 years ago, technology has allowed me to…
The Prime Minister will be addressing the nation this Sunday at the National Day Rally.…
Singapore is not perfect, but it is still a good place to call home. Augustine…
In an exclusive interview with The Independent, MP Lee Lilian speaks about local issues and…